Check out a few options applicable to your business and give them a try. The Ascent has reviewed software used in many different industries and identified those with the strongest features. Now's a good time to take a look at your current software or processes and determine if you need an upgrade. If you're searching online for help with how to do things like sign a PDF, you probably don't have document management software that can help you with common small business needs. Drag your signature into the document and drop it in the desired field.Click "Sign a document now" and choose the PDF sent to your inbox.Upload the PDF - DocuSign will convert any fields within the PDF into recipient fields.Send the modified PDF to the requester.Click on the "Save" icon in the top right.Draw your signature wherever you want in the PDF.

Click the "Draw" icon in the top right.Click "Apply" when you have created the signature.Choose whether to type your name, draw it, upload an image, or use a saved signature.Click the "Sign" icon on the toolbar and choose whether to add a signature or just initials.The software will attempt to locate fields automatically, and you will choose the field you want for your signature by clicking on it.You will be asked, "Who needs to fill and sign?" Click the blue button under the "You" header to the left.

It’s wise to take a few safeguards to ensure that the document you're signing has proper safeguard in place.